This picture was actually taken on February but I have no good photo for the month so this will do.
January. New year, new beginning. The new day of 2015 is definitely the highlight of this month. There was not much to do since I was currently on uni break. I had lunch at loewy with my mom earlier this month and then got to celebrate 3 of my best friends' and my brother's birthdays. Yes all of them born in January. There was also this event at my former high school called Zona Kampus where we, the alumni, present and introduce our campuses and majors to our juniors, hoping that they have the knowledge to choose one that suit them. I also got to meet all my friends I have missed during my first semester in uni! It felt weird because I used to see the same faces everyday. Besides, I went on several brunches with my high school mates. I also went to Art One museum and Taman Mangrove in Pantai Indah Kapuk.
S was still in town so I went on a photo-hunt
—not sure this is even a noun
— with her. We went to Kota Tua and Museum Bank Indonesia. I've always loved museum trips and taking pictures of the locals doing activities
—I think it's always been my thing. This month I also celebrate one of my best friends' birthday again, N. We bought her a sparkly party hat that apparently now has become our thing
—each one of the person on our group get to wear and keep it on our birthdays. And on the mid of February, I went to Kota Tua again with
A. Not sure what we were doing but we had
—supposedly breakfast
— brunch at Kafe Batavia. The highlight of this month is definitely Indonesia Fashion Week 2015. Call me lame, but this was my first fashion week ever. I even sent a postcard to
S telling how happy I am :))
March. Nothing's really interesting. I went to places with my mom. Thats all.
April. April first was my mom's birthday. Yes she was born on April Mop. I can't believe she is 59 this year. Well, cheers to years ahead of you momster! I also went to Jet Ski cafe with
A this month. Okay it's starting to concern me why this loner and I always end up spending time together ;p
May. Starting of this month with
D and
M. We went on a restaurant and had a good talk. Then I also watch a theatre play at my campus. This was my first time in such a long time. The last time was the Phantom of the Opera in Las Vegas. Speaking of, I kinda miss my US trip...:( Anyway, still early this month, I visited
D's faculty and did a little photoshoot at the rooftop. Pretty interesting ;) I also celebrate Y's birthday this month. She turned 19.
Again, this photo was taken on July. But I have zero nice photo for the month so this will do.
June. Nothing much.
July. I was currently on my uni break again so I didn't got to see my uni friends that often anymore. We had breakfasting dinner at mall. And then I also had brunch with
D and
M at three buns. This month I got to test my makeup skill by doing
S's makeup, it was a lot of fun! I also did a little project for a contest with
A and
L, but we didn't end up winning the prize. Well, it's not always about the reward you get right? Anyway, ending this month with beautiful sweet birthday surprises from my beloved friends. Yes I turned 19! Oh God I feel so old
—and so much loved.
August. I was way beyond lucky to ever step my feet and travel around this land. Nothing I say could describe my trip. I love it. I really love it.
September. Okay, back to work. I was a staff of publication and also staff of creative at two different events. Exhausting, but I got to work with amazing people and make some new friends. Very interesting! I also joining the YSEALI digital delegate but unfortunately they did not pick me. Well, it's their loss, isn't it? Check out the video
October. I was chosen to be the stage manager for FISIP Theatre for UI Art War. I spent almost everyday
—yes, including weekend
— practicing at the campus. Thank God during my busy workload, I was able to sneak a little time to see the Jakarta Biennale at Galeri Nasional with
November. The practicing schedule for our play getting tight! We practiced sometimes until dawn. I remember we finished the closing scene for this play just few hours before the show, and it was around 2-3 in the morning. Regardless, hard work did pay off. We got the first place for theatre, and won 4 other categories. Happy wasn't the word to describe our sweat and dark eye circles. It was... unexpected.
December. Seems like it's just yesterday I open my eyes from a long good new years sleep. Doesn't it always surprise you how fast time fly? Because to me, it always does. Big parties, champagne bottles, sky rocket fireworks. Street lights. Constant reminders that a new beginning is about to approach. A reminder that what we have in our hands is coming to its expiration date. It reminds me about all of the things I have done, haven't done and should have done. It reminds me of how little accomplishment I've achieved. What I have and what I don't. What has changed. What stays the same. We,
—most of us
— subconsciously compare ourselves today to ourselves yesterday. Only to find differences or lack of changes in our lives. These thoughts may does not matter, but somehow, always brought me to a dissatisfaction.
I am never the person who always has that new year's resolution list. I know nothing in this world would ever satisfy me. But if I ever make one, then I'd like to be happy. Very very happy.
Happy New Year u filthy animals!
Wahhh i think i have to make this kind of post in my blog....NAAAHHH ME GOT NO TIME wkwkwk :-( Very nice post by the way!!!!!