

Happy christmas to those of you who celebrate, and if you don't, then happy holidays! Christmas has always been something I'm looking forward to. But apparently not so much this year. I was busy with finals just couple days earlier and I must say, my uni life has never been this hectic. Well, that, and a couple other reasons. But beside that, I love that now I have endless time to crawl underneath my blanket and watch some cheap comedy movies (not a big fan, but this is the perfect genre for the season). Speaking of, I haven't watched Star Wars 7 (and other Star Wars movies to be precise). BUT the t-shirts they are selling in stores (AND ONLINE!) are so cool! I really want to get myself some but then people would look at me like I'm a die hard fan. Or worse, people considering me as a fake fan. I feel like I'm failing as a human being. But I mean, it's just a t-shirt everyone for god's sake?!

This is supposed to be a christmas post (you know where I post pictures about my family and all) but I was sick during Christmas... :( My skin went all red and inflamed. Guess I got an allergy. Very weird, I know. So the only pictures I got are my outfit shots and some of my nephew's, Amsal. Yes I have a nephew. Wait...in fact I have 5. Anyway,  he's almost one and a half years old and is the cutest walking creature. He also loves playing with my camera cleaning kit. This kid is very weird but at the same time, adorable especially when he's sleeping after a long day of playing around my house. Missing him already.

My nephew, A.


  1. Alita sekarang super badaiii :) merry christmas!

    Pudding Monster

  2. love ur nails art<3

    Love, angel.

  3. you looks so amazing! love your shoes and cute nails <3


  4. I really love your fashion sense.
    you always look amazing so all of your outfits are lovely.
    would you like to follow each other on GFC & G+? If you follow me,
    I will follow you back after it.

  5. merry christmas too! loving your nail & the top you're wearing ;)



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